Monday, November 3, 2008

Dogs, Logging Trucks and RVs

I have to say that I do not really care for any of the above while I am riding my bicycle, but there is definitely an order it.
Dogs - Love em. But, when they start barking and running, with their eyes gleaming at your meaty calves, they can get you a little anxious. Luckily, there is usually a fence that this is all taking place behind so the stress doesn't last long. They do make the list of stressful things, even though only barely.

Logging Trucks - Big trucks with trailers, commonly found on lots of the scenic side roads the coastal bike route follows. I don't love when these guys come blazing by, usually in pairs, but they usually do a pretty good job of giving some extra space. Not all roads have the smooth 4+ foot shoulder like this one so that does become important:

It is those side roads that end up being the huge highlights. You can't beat dropping off of a stretch of freeway, which can end up feeling like mainly work, to enter dozens of miles of redwood groves and empty roads.

But back to the shoulder space...Logging trucks do pretty good most of the time. Most tractor-trailer drivers, in general, tend to make an effort. The most consistent intruders into my roadside comfort are absolutely Recreational Vehicles. Don't know why, but they are the worst drivers out there in respect to giving a little road love.
This rig, however, I'd pull over for any day...Go Barack Obama!


Molson said...

Looks like a sweet time.

Nice that Obama won... I am sure that bus had something to do with it.

It seems like you guys are having a rocking good time. Here in Duluth it has been pretty nice... 72 yesterday! Global warming. Anyway look forward to your safe return.

take care. Mike

Hello Lindello said...

WoopWoop! Liking those biking tights in action. Looks like your having an amazing time. Snowflakes are falling in Duluth...