Saturday, November 22, 2008

Recent Characters from the Road

Ben, with his surfboard lashed to a PVC rack, was on a trial run from Monterrey to Pismo to see how it all held up. The windy days hit him pretty hard. His hopes are to eventually get a crew together and to a big tour while filming the adventure.

Bill – This guy has been on what he calls “the ride” for the last 5 years. His bike, dubbed Tankzilla, weighs 175 lbs without him on it. I think it gets pushed a lot. Its got all the bells and whistles including little safety corks to put onto the antlers for heavy pedestrian areas.

Bob just finished a continental divide trail from Alberta to the border and was now heading north to his Canadian homeland.

Gabi and Christian, the Germans, have toured all over the world including Cuba, S. Africa, New Zealand, Australia, and much more. Currently, they are on a San Francisco to San Diego leg, with a left turn from there and a final destination of Miami.

We spent a few great days together, including the 100 mile push through L.A. and a little bit of drafting from a club ride near Ventura that ended up with coffee with their crew...

The last character I came across was my ex-workmate from this Winter season down in Antarctica. Bodie has worked in California at various xmas tree lots for the past few years. Turns out this year it happened to be in Dana Point with the lot right on the Pacific Coast Bike Route.

Bodie has been an ace as a support guy. He swooped through our campsite a few nights ago on his way from Santa Barbara to Dana Point with a 6-pack and chocolate (only to receive $108 in parking fees from the California State Park System). He put a roof over my head for 2 nights in Dana Point, and is meeting me at the border for a pickup and a night in San Diego. Pretty sweet package.

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