Monday, November 17, 2008

The City

My third trip across the golden gate bridge was the 1st time I was able to see it. Too much fog both times before, but this day was crystal clear. The sight of the bridge and all of the people crossing it was impressive. Right away someone said, "welcome to San Francisco", and my smile only got wider.

What a bridge.

We entered the city on a Friday. We cycled through Crissy Field and to the Fisherman's Wharf. It was the tourist route through the city to the Mission District and full of people. This is where Andy and I parted ways. With one last burrito and a pint, we split paths and mine brought me to the door of Josh Wiese and Ben Smith.

The city for the weekend was a treat. I met with my dad's cousin Doug for some family time. Josh toured me around for the nightlife/social end of the bargain. A house party by a St. Paul native was the venue for meeting more locals that brightened my travels. It was a good place to spend some time. Anyway, I'm still catching up and its not looking too productive at the Island Brewery right now. The head brewer just announced my itinerary and I may need to explain myself. Parting shot of Sunset Beach State Park - from my campsite...

1 comment:

kishfish said...

wicked cool bridge!
looks like an amazing day!