Wednesday, October 29, 2008


I finished up Washington with a few days of pedaling, a mixture of campsites that were more desirable and less, and made it to the great cycling state of Oregon. The bridge that stands before it, across the Columbia River, is over 3 miles long and quite freaky...

In Oregon, the state provides an impressive cycling map of the coast, a ton of state parks with hiker/biker sites for a mere $4, and a fair share of quality breweries, which all go together quite well. When it works out, like my first day in OR, you can have a lunch pint at one brewpub, an afternoon pint 20-30 miles later and make it to a state park campground by dark. A good day.

Just South of Cannon Beach are two huge hills and I had to wonder if this guy knew some shortcut. It looked like he was cruising pretty good.

Tillamook, OR is where I had the pleasure to meet up with Ross again. He chose wisely to take his week off on the Oregon coast versus the Washington bit. We had a good time with the cheese freaks before we headed south to meet up with Portland locals/ex-Duluth natives/expecting parents, Tomas and Angie.

The next big brewery experience was at the epic and amazing Rogue Brewery. We enjoyed this place as much as anyone could. The place has a great story, 40 of their beers on tap, and the friendliest barstaff we've come across.

I'll finish this off with a couple pics from today. A slow start with a flat for Ross, and another day with our Scottish cyclist friend Andy with our eyes set on the California border sometime tomorrow afternoon.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008


So, I fly into Seattle, get picked up by the great Gretchen, eat an amazing grilled Salmon and salad dinner with her and boyfriend James, then get hooked up with sweet lodging in Gretchen's alley.

The following night I join the Lockharts and bad uncle Jeff Carrier for some chef Walker chow (thanks for the recipe) and some fun and games with Nintendo Wii. Too bad I couldn't get the 2 dogs or the cat in the photo with Walker, Dana, Jeff and the Lockhart twins.

Next stop...Bellingham,WA. Caught up with the Duluth/B-ham transplant crew for bike rides, disc golf, beer tastings, and bike tuning. These 2 guys really know what they are doing.

Ross and I pedaled the first leg of the trip on Friday, from the border back to Bellingham. A quick, rainy, unloaded ride was a good way to start.

Rode Saturday with Ross from Bellingham to Whidbey Island, also sans gear, and met with Iris, Kirk and Noel for camping, smores, and another grilled salmon special. Sunday was the day to split with the crew, head over to the Olympic Peninsula, and eventually to the coast, which is where I sit now. A few more photos before I hop on the saddle...
Crossing the bridge to Whidbey Island,

First time fully loaded

Ciao for now to Iris and Ross

Although its early in the trip, its been nothing but great so far. Its perfect to be able to see old friends again, in some cases multiple years, and have it seem like we didn't miss a beat. Same to be said for all the friends and family back home, which did really feel like home. I gotta say I feel grateful for all the cool people in my life. Enough of that, its finally warming up with clear skies and a gentle breeze. Vroom...

Monday, October 20, 2008


Out of Antarctica and into the "real world". Its been over a month since my sweet redeployment and its been quite the experience. I'll skip all of the social anxiety/culture shock/post-traumatic issues that are involved with coming out of an Antarctic winter, but trust me that there are many. Some of you had the pleasure of witnessing my "recovery" and I thank you for your support. Here are some pics since departure, or arrival for that matter...
5 minutes from heading north, 6 weeks ago

"recovery bench" the following day

Sumner from the Bridal Veil Track

After a quick NZ stint it was off to Alaska and the Kenai Peninsula with the likes of Johnny Oxley, Bill Gange, and Jason Proetz (who included all his lovely friends from the Alaska Wildland Adventure Lodge). We caught some huge fish, cold beers, and great Fall colors.

first day on the river

big rainbows

autumn johnny

Back to MN was short but sweet. Did the state-wide family tour, a trip to Bayfield for Apple Fest (sort of), and had a great Duluth reunion. 2 weeks of MN and off to WA. Spent time in Seattle and Bellingham before hitting the road south with my shiny new bicycle. The West Coast Bicycle Brewery Tour 2008 has been launched. Minus lots of detail and witty commentary, that about does it for the catch-up. Next time I find an internet connection and some time, it'll be dedicated to the the first leg of the trip, the Pacific NW.